Monday 9 April 2012


The laws of human energies discussed in the previous chapter also have a spatial component. With this introduction to the spatial laws and Powers, we are now prepared to grasp the spacey aide of chakras. Then we can learn of the three higher chakras, the eight, ninth and tenth, that originate in space and the higher powers.
time-space-enery-chart.gifThe spatial aspect of the chakras allows them to act as organs of reception. They receive the ten powers. These powers are felt as coming through us from the back. Each of the directions of space has a different quality aligned with the energies. Remember there is the fractal variation in the count in space as opposed to time. The result is a complication of the energies. The first seven chakras have a dual nature, temporal and spatial. The temporal quality of the chakras is shown in the chart below on the left, with the spatial quality on the right. The eight, ninth and tenth chakras have only a spatial quality, and, as will be discussed, are rarely developed.
The spatial side of the first chakras allows the Power of Fire to come through -- the East. This side of Muladhara pertains to Awareness, not sensing. Thus the holistic comprehension of the first chakra, both time and space, shows it to be a complex interaction of Awareness and Sensing. The same applies to the other seven. The second chakra, Svadhisthana, receives the Power of Mineral - the West - and aligns with Willing. It combines Thinking and Willing. The third, Manipura, channels the Power of Trees - the South - aligned with Soul. Its holistic value is Feeling-Soul. The fourth, Anahata, receives the Power of the Animals - the North - aligned with Thinking. Its holistic value is Willing-Thinking. The fifth chakra, Vishuddha, receives the Earth power - the Center down - aligned with essence. Its holistic value is Body-Essence. The sixth chakra, Ajana, receives the Power of the Ancestors - the South-East - aligned with Spirit. Its holistic value is Soul-Spirit. The seventh chakra, Sahasara, channels the Power of the Nature Spirits - the South-West - aligned with Body. Its holistic value is Spirit-Body. This is summarized in the chart below.
ten-chakras-of-energy-chart.gifIn space there are three more centers of spiritual energy beyond the seven that exist in time. It is as if they are outside of our time, in a higher scale of intelligence. Still, in certain circumstances we can tap into them like inaudible undertones. Unlike the first seven energies, the higher three are not inherent to our personal systems. There are some kind of controls placed on these energies. It appears that we can only tap into them in order to act in history for the benefit of all mankind. Otherwise they are not available. These higher energies - 8 9 10 - are not personal energies or potentialities. They are not of our world, but are of the macrocosm - the legendary "Music of the Spheres". Still, these centers, and the Powers which come with them, are the key to effective historical action on Earth in harmony with the rest of the Universe.
The three appear to us as sub-harmonics of an expanded consciousness. They are links to chains higher up on the evolutionary ladder. The combination of the three trans-personal energies, with the seven personal ones to make ten, in effect completes the doubling of the pentatonic octave. It also explains why some spiritual systems speak of five or ten chakras instead of seven. We call the three additional energies by the names: Motivation - Intention - Attentiveness. They bear some similarity to the states we normally refer to by these names, but have a much more intense, historical and transpersonal quality.
Unlike the seven chakras which each have a link to a physical system, the three higher energies are not tied to the body and are not created internally. They do however have a spatial location relative to the body: the eighth chakra localizes near the knees, the ninth by the feet, and the tenth above your head. Like the first seven chakras the upper three are energy fields which can be thought of as doors to spiritual energy. Usually these doors can only be tuned into and opened after the first seven have been opened and balanced. The forces of the Strange Attractor lead to them.
The last three energies flow in the currents of history with the spirit of the times. When you tune into them you are hurled into social-historical whirlpools. Do not wish for them, or envy others who have them. It is a hard burden, and one that is not necessary for a joyous and fulfilled life. Still, be forewarned as to their existence. You never know when you may be called upon to serve them.
The eighth energy, Motivation, relates to the body of the earth as a whole. Its direction is the Northwest and it is associated with the "Power of Angels" described in the next chapter. Unlike the lower seven chakras, the upper three do not have a basic potential to be realized in time. They are spatial only. The Motivation chakra pertains to deep-seated drives to help humanity, to serve the Earth. The motivation energy is harnessed by taking responsibility for your understanding and the understanding of others. It involves the creation of general structures and explanations of the processes of becoming aware of Being. It provides the energy to Respond to things far beyond your own personal concerns. With this energy you will have the capability to respond to, and understand, newly-emerging social and historical forces. It is said that the eighth energy has an intense feeling of whole bodies in interchange with the world around you.
The ninth energy, Intention, relates to Light and the Sun. Its direction is the Northeast and relates to the "Power of the Muses". Motivation can lead to Intention. With Intention your Motivation energy focuses into particular Intentions, particular projects and undertakings. The understanding you gain from historical motivations can lead to a particular destiny and mission for humanity. The historical Intention energy opens you to inventiveness on a large scale. With transpersonal Intentions you find and implement a new vision and communion for all Mankind. This energy provides the ability to create entirely new technologies, new plans for living, and to communicate them to the world. A new sacred vision of the Universe can be invented which serves as a guide and inspiration for all who are open to change. The projects and vision bring a new communion between peoples and levels of being. It is said that the ninth energy has an intense feeling of the aura and force of effectiveness.
The tenth energy, Attentiveness, relates to the prototype sacred God of all religions. It is the direction of the center going up. Its Power is the "Being In The Universe". The vocation is that of the historical "Announcer". Attentiveness has to do with shining, the pure expression of Awareness. It has to do with the manifestation of the brilliant godlike core of your being. The careful reader will recall that the fourth chakra has attention as an aspect of its temporal Quality. This is a similar quality, yet quite different by what we mean by Attentiveness in the tenth chakra. The variance is both in degree of intensity and quality.
Just as Intention is based on Motivation, so too is Attentiveness based on fulfillment of your transpersonal Intent. There is a kind of linear progression to the realization of the last three social energies. After Intent you can have a real capacity to announce with credibility, to proclaim new meaning for all to see and hear. This highest energy allows you to set a shining example as a living embodiment of the ideals of Truth, Beauty, Goodness and Justice. It is said that the tenth energy has an intense feeling like your Higher Self.
time-space-chakra-enery-chart.gifAs shown in the following chart the three higher energies that exist in space, like the first seven chakras which exist in time, relate to a particular direction, I Ching trigram, and level of being or scale of evolutionary consciousness. This relationship was developed by Wilhelmine and Arnold Keyserling. Arnold Keyserling's book NEW AGE VISIONS (Volume 1 of the School of Wisdom Series) contains an essential message or vision from each of the ten powers: Fire, Mineral, Plant, Animal, Sacred Earth, Ancestors, Natural Spirits, Angels, Muses and the Being in the Universe. Study of NEW AGE VISIONS will make this material much easier to understand.
ladder-to-heaven-powers-guide.gifThe Keyserlings found that the ten chakras also relate to the nine basic principles, symbolized by the nine planets and our moon, to make up the tenfold macrocosmic relationship. In esoteric traditions this macrocosmic link is called the "Ladder to Heaven". Here the planets symbolize a kind of spheric circuitry between the worlds and levels of evolution. The esoteric meaning of the planets as symbols on the Wheel is explained in Chance and Choice (Volume 2 of the School of Wisdom Series). The last chart depicts each of these spheres and the Power that goes with them. The different Powers along the "Ladder of Heaven" are all interrelated and form a kind of "Golden Chain" of evolution with Man in the middle located on Earth.
We appear to be part of a much larger Cosmic reality, a community of beings from all over the Universe, many much more evolved. Many great works of inspired poetry and other forms of "sacred revelations" strongly suggest that communication with these Powers is possible. The natural Laws governing this area are, however, not well understood. Much more exploration and investigation into this area is required. Any more discussion at this time of the Laws in this area would be too speculative. We do not yet have enough reliable information about the "beyond", about death, channeling and communication with the "gods or other superhuman or mythological beings". Some day the Laws behind these phenomena will be better understood, but for now, this largely remains the realm of revelation and poetry. It is truly the final frontier of inner space exploration.

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